- Gemeinschafts Informationen [Håkan Lidbo remix]
- We are living in a speculative society [Jonteknik remix]
- Elite Gesellschaft [Maschine Brennt remix]
- Elite Gesellshaft [Deutsche Bank remix]
- They Monitor Us [Tobitron remix]
- Konsum wird unser tod [Kretz dub mix]
- Democracy in Decline [Pi-xl remix]
- Too many choices interferes with human creativity [Psilodump remix]
- Too many choices interferes with human creativity [Zørg Industries remix]
- Eliminate xenophobia [Luke Eargoggle remix]
- Fear me (i am the dictator) [Datapop remix]
- Progression ist der Schlüssel [Modulation remix]
- We will destroy our future [Neon’s apocolypse mix]

May 8, 2015
Gemeinschafts Informationen [Remixed]
Additional info
- Release Date: May 8, 2015
- Format: album
- Artist: Kretz
- Cat No: plonk019
- Media: Wav, MP3
Available at
- BandCamp